2008年6月5日 星期四









Art Donation Box

The recent catastrophic cyclone in Myanmar and earthquake in Sichuan, China have claimed numerous lives and made devastating destructions in both countries. Immediate relief is undoubtedly critical to thousands of homeless and injured. Yet post-disaster reconstruction require as much support and attention. Different worldwide parties have been actively organizing fund-raising campaigns for victims in both tragedies, the art circles in Hong Kong, which has always been sensitive to society’s needs and problems, also wants to express our care and make concrete contributions to the on-going relief and rescue.

The programme is divided into 4 parts:

1. We have invited interested artists, university students, designers and friends of the cultural circles in Hong Kong to design their unique donation boxes, with texts and images that can help bringing out the message and raising concerns for victims in Myanmar and Sichuan.

2. The donation boxes will be exhibited and used for fund-raising at Artist Commune between 7 to 15 June. During the exhibition, we will invite visitors and students to be volunteers and join our following donation activities.

3. Within this year, the boxes will be placed in various organization as part of our fund-raising efforts. All donations collected will be sent to the victims in Myanmar and Sichuan by Oxfam.

4. A documentary exhibition will be held one year after this project, to show the trace from each organization and the amount of money rasied with the Art Donation Box.

  This campaign aims at arousing care in the community through actions of artists and student volunteers, and shortening the distance between Art and Society. At the same time, we hope to spread the message of relieving people in stricken areas around the world. Money collected in the campaign would be donated to Myanmar and Sichuan.

新聞稿 藝術捐獻箱計劃




藝術家伸援手 創作捐款箱表關懷


六月七至十五日 牛棚藝術村 藝術公社



參展的藝術家包括小克,丸仔,甘志強,周俊輝,林嵐,夏碧泉,區凱琳,曾德平,黃國才,黃照達,黃慧妍Start from zero等等。他們各自以不同媒介及風格創作捐款箱,以創意支持震災工作。此外,是次展覽亦會展出一系列有關是次天災的的錄象創作,新聞圖片及由一眾香港小朋友為祝福四川受災小孩的創作。





辦:藝術公社 藝術在醫院 全人藝動 信和集團「香港藝術」


開   幕:二零零八年六月七日(星期六)下午六時半

日   期:二零零八年六月七日至六月十五日

開放時間:逢星期二 日,下午12:00 晚上8:00

地   點:香港 九龍 土瓜灣馬頭角道63 牛棚藝術村12號單位 藝術公社

查   詢:楊俊瑋(852-95527096)

電   郵:artdonationbox@gmail.com

網   頁:www.artdonationbox.blogspot.com