由本地學生自發組成團體「藝遊關懷」(Art Care)主辨及統籌。計劃希望透過藝術家創作藝術捐獻箱及學生義務協助籌款活動,將關懷之心及實際行動帶到社區,令藝術與社會能夠建立更緊密關係,使賑災救助的訊息能持續地宣揚到世界各地。是次活動的收益將交予慈善機構作緬甸及四川賑災用途。
Art Donation Box Project
organized by ART CARE which is a group created by local tertiary students spontaneously.
This campaign aims at arousing care in the community through actions of artists and student volunteers, and shortening the distance between art and society. At the same time, we hope to spread the message of relieving people in stricken areas around the world. Money collected in the campaign would be donated to Myanmar and Sichuan.